Вызов / Call
21.06.2010 г. Вызов. Пропали молодая женщина 30 лет с 4-х летним сыном. Мы приехали на место поиска примерно в 12:30. Нас сразу отправили на отработку одного из участков. Просмотрели немного и нас вернули к штабу, так как нашли женщину. Сидели ждали пока МЧСное начальство определится что делать дальше. Пригнали кучу солдат (человек 200 примерно, но очень много). Они пошли прочесывать цепью лес. Мы сходили прочесали еще один участок. Вернулись. Опять ждали. И тут началось самое замечательное - начали приезжать обычные люди, добровольцы, на внедорожниках (Юля - добрый и отзывчивый человек - разместила в интернете клич о помощи и с вечера понедельника и до утра вторника координировала всех добровольцев на месте поиска). Мы вечером пошли еще прочесывать обширный участок. Но ребенка так и не нашли. Лес очень густой, очень много бурелома. Ребенок на тот момент был уже в одном ботинке (находили следы один из которых был оставлен босой ногой) и одет он был в шорты и футболку, а лес кишил комарами и оводами, особенно около болот. Поздно вечером мы уехали. Ночью же приехало еще очень много добровольцев и всю ночь они прочесывали лес и звали ребенка. И славо богу сегодня утром его нашли - ЖИВОГО!!!
Я очень рада и счастлива, что у нас есть столько добрых и отзывчивых людей! Спасибо им всем огромное!!!
Я очень рада и счастлива, что у нас есть столько добрых и отзывчивых людей! Спасибо им всем огромное!!!
21.06.2010 yr. Call. Have been lost, a young woman 30 years with and 4-year-old son. We arrived at the location in the search at about 12:30. We were immediately sent to the survey of one of the sectors. Soon us were told to return, since found a woman. Then waited for us to tell where to continue searching. He came a lot of soldiers, who combed the woods. We went check out another site. They returned and began again to wait. And then began the most remarkable - began to arrive, ordinary people, volunteers, the off-road (Julia - a kind and responsive person - posted on the internet cry for help, and with Monday night and Tuesday morning to coordinate all the volunteers on site search). We went in the evening still combing the vast area. But the child was never found. The forest is very thick, a lot of fallen trees. The child at that time was already in one shoe (found traces of one of which was left bare foot) and he was dressed in shorts and T-shirt, but in the forest was a lot of mosquitoes and gadflies, especially near wetlands. Late in the evening we left. That night came a lot more volunteers and all night, they combed the woods and called the child. And thank God this morning he was found - alive!!!
21.06.2010 yr. Call. Have been lost, a young woman 30 years with and 4-year-old son. We arrived at the location in the search at about 12:30. We were immediately sent to the survey of one of the sectors. Soon us were told to return, since found a woman. Then waited for us to tell where to continue searching. He came a lot of soldiers, who combed the woods. We went check out another site. They returned and began again to wait. And then began the most remarkable - began to arrive, ordinary people, volunteers, the off-road (Julia - a kind and responsive person - posted on the internet cry for help, and with Monday night and Tuesday morning to coordinate all the volunteers on site search). We went in the evening still combing the vast area. But the child was never found. The forest is very thick, a lot of fallen trees. The child at that time was already in one shoe (found traces of one of which was left bare foot) and he was dressed in shorts and T-shirt, but in the forest was a lot of mosquitoes and gadflies, especially near wetlands. Late in the evening we left. That night came a lot more volunteers and all night, they combed the woods and called the child. And thank God this morning he was found - alive!!!
I am very glad and happy, that we have so many kind and helpful people! Thanks to all of them great!!!

Posted by Vareghka
E-mail - nastyonchik @ gmail.com (remove spaces)
Skype - vareghka
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