20.08.2011, Competitions in Moscow.
Judge - Elena Limonova (Russia).
Class - Obedience - 203.5 p
- Sitting in a group for 2 minute - 10 p
- Lying in a group for 4 minutes with distractions - 8 p
- Directed retrieve - 8,5 p
- Recall with stand and down - 7,5 p
- Distant control - 7,5 p
- Stand, sit and down under march - 7,5 p
- Heelwork - 7 p
- Send away with directions, down and recall - 0 p
- Scent and retrieve - 0 p
- Jumping a hurdle and retrieving a metal object - 9,5 p
07.03.2011, Competitions in Moscow.
Judge - Michil Kirilov (Russia).
Class - Obedience - 165.5 p
- Lying in a group for 4 minutes with distractions - 9,5 p
- Sitting in a group for 2 minute - 10 p
- Heelwork - 0 p (not performed)
- Send away with directions, down and recall - 0 p
- Distant control - 7,5 p
- Recall with stand and down - 7 p
- Directed retrieve - 7,5 p
- Stand, sit and down under march - 5 p
- Jumping a hurdle and retrieving a metal object - 7 p
- Scent and retrieve - 0 p
23.10.2010, Competitions in Moscow.
Judge - Elena Limonova (Russia).
Class - Obedience - 208 p
- Sitting in a group for 2 minute - 10 p
- Lying in a group for 4 minutes with distractions - 7 p
- Heelwork - 6,5 p
- Recall with stand and down - 7 p
- Send away with directions, down and recall - 6,5 p
- Distant control - 8 p
- Directed retrieve - 0 p
- Stand, sit and down under march - 6,5 p
- Scent and retrieve - 7,5 p
- Jumping a hurdle and retrieving a metal object - 5,5 p
16.01.2010, Competitions in Moscow.
Judge - Elena Limonova (Russia).
Class - Obedience - 116,5 p
- Sitting in a group for 2 minute - 10 p
- Lying in a group for 4 minutes with distractions - 0 p
- Heelwork - 0 p
- Recall with stand and down - 6 p
- Send away with directions, down and recall - 0 p
- Distant control - 5,5 p
- Directed retrieve - 0 p
- Stand, sit and down under march - 0 p
- Scent and retrieve - 7 p
- Jumping a hurdle and retrieving a metal object - 6,5 p
CACOB, Moscow Championship 22.08.2009
Class - Obedience-1
1st place with the result 231,5 points.
Judge - Parssinen Heli Piritta (Finland)
- Sitting in a group for 1 minute - 10 p
- Lying in a group for 2 minutes - 9 p
- Heelwork - 8 p
- Distant control - 9 p
- Send away with directions and down - 9 p
- Recall with down - 5 p
- Directed retrieve - 6 p
- Sit and down under march - 7,5 p
- Jumping a hurdle - 9 p
E-mail - nastyonchik @ gmail.com (remove spaces)
Skype - vareghka
- Бордер колли (26)
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