Posted by Vareghka in
Я все таки решилась на блог :)
В нем я буду рассказывать о нашей с Варей жизни, наших буднях и различных мероприятих.
Варя - бордер колли Bringer of Victory from Amber Lat. Вчера, 3 мая 2010 года ей исполнилось 2 года :).
I decided to blog:)
In it, I'll tell you about our life with Varya. Our daily lives and various activities.
Varia - Border Collie Bringer of Victory from Amber Lat. Yesterday, May 3, 2010 she was 2 years:).
I decided to blog:)
In it, I'll tell you about our life with Varya. Our daily lives and various activities.
Varia - Border Collie Bringer of Victory from Amber Lat. Yesterday, May 3, 2010 she was 2 years:).
E-mail - nastyonchik @ (remove spaces)
Skype - vareghka
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